When it comes to social media, most people suggest the best way to support your social media presence is to be active on all social networking sites. However, it is almost impossible to manage every platform without a dedicated social media coordinator. Whether you have an already established web design or are just getting started with digital marketing, the following information explains some top social networking tips to help you get the most knowledge possible. Continue reading to learn the difference between social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
Facebook currently has over a trillion active users and is the number 1 largest social network. That said, it's a great decision for every business to be active on this network specifically. "The wall" is the center of all activity. This is where you can post, read, and interact with comments. "A Friend" is the name for those you are connected with on that platform. "Sharing" is a form of engagement where someone can share your post onto their wall so their friends can see. "Likes" or reactions such as a thumbs up are a simple form of engagement. For a business, the more likes, the better and more trustworthy your brand can appear.
Overall, Facebook is an excellent tool for sharing all kinds of content, such as blogs, images, infographics, and videos. A business should aim to post there a few times a week for optimum results.
Twitter currently has over 200 million users and is another great option for a business to build a brand presence. A "Tweet" is the official name of the message you create. "Followers" are the people who engage with you and choose to subscribe to your tweets and will now see them on a regular basis on their walls. "Retweets" are similar to shares on Facebook, a follower shares your tweet with their followers. "Love" is another form of engagement where a follower shows appreciation for your post. "Hashtags or (#)" are symbols that allow you to search and group together specific or related tweets.
Twitter is another great option when deciding which platform(s) to post on. Twitter allows you to interact directly with customers. It is always recommended you implement the Twitter social media icon into your web design to increase your followers.
LinkedIn was created to be a professional networking social media site. With currently over 100 million users, it is a wonderful and powerful tool for businesses and marketers. "Profiles" are the basic functionality of LinkedIn and you can list your resume and qualifications, or businesses can provide their brand guide and description. "Connections" are those who are in an individual's contact list. "Recommendations" are testimonials based on an individual's job abilities and qualifications.
If you are looking to potentially market through LinkedIn, it's best to do so by providing profitable content and being active in different LinkedIn groups. It is best to post anywhere from 2 to 4 times a week on this platform for optimal results.
When it comes to Social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are considered the main 3 platforms for business. Therefore, it's important for businesses to have an active presence on each of these networks to increase recognition and to help broaden reach. By being active and engaging like sharing, retweeting, and commenting, your content and brand are highly more likely to be recognized and help you build your social media presence, in turn, getting you more customers for your business.
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